It is clear from the descriptions of the early church, as well as the appeals from Paul in writing to New Testament churches, that God intends us to live out our lives together pursuing Christ. Church membership is a commitment to pursue holiness together in community with one another. We believe that God is honored when we take local church membership seriously, so we hold membership at Lucy Baptist in high regard.


  1. Biblical Conversion

  2. Scriptural Baptism

  3. Completion of the Covenant Membership Process, a class covering the history, doctrine and practices of Lucy Baptist Church.

  4. If you are a member of another church of like doctrine, give testimony of a personal salvation experience, and have been scripturally baptized, a letter of recommendation will by requested by LBC.

  5. If you are a member of a church in a different denomination or doctrine, and give testimony of biblical conversion, and have been scripturally baptized, you may be received upon by statement of your faith.

  6. Any person desiring to transfer their membership will be asked to give a statement of reason for their transfer of membership.