We have weekly gatherings on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday nights.

For more info, call us at (901)-872-0623 or email us at info@lucybaptist.com

Address: 4005 Lucy Road, Millington, TN 38053

Sunday Mornings

  • We gather for Sunday morning worship at 10:30 in our worship center. We strive to make Christ the center of our weekly gatherings. Here we pray, read scripture, hear the word preached, sing, and partake in the ordinances of the church together.
  • We host a variety of classes on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 in rooms throughout the building. These classes cover a variety of things like studies on books of the Bible, theology, apologetics, and other practical topics relating to Christian living.

Sunday Nights

  • On Sunday evenings, many of our members meet with one another in homes to fellowship, study Scripture, and pray with one another. We also have a group that meets in our building for Bible study.
  • Quarterly, we gather in the worship center on a Sunday night for an extended time of worship through singing, praying, and reading Scripture.

Wednesday Nights

  • We have a small group that meets each week on Wednesday nights at 6:00 for Bible study and prayer.
  • On the first Wednesday night of each month, our church family gathers at 6:00 for a special time of prayer. We begin with a brief message and then spend the majority of our time together lifting up special needs in our church and in one another's lives.